Options For Reuse Before Disposal
Increasing environmental concern is putting more and more emphasis on catalyst waste minimization, and eco-friendly disposal, therefore the choice gets limited. Ideally catalysts should be regenerated and re-used, either in the same or another application
EURECAT INDIA can carry out a regenerability study to evaluate the re-usability of a given catalyst (prior to regeneration). But inevitably when reuse is no longer feasible, other means must be found to minimize the waste generation, and its potentially harmful effects on the environment.
EURECAT INDIA with their recycling network of worldwide plants and partner companies, offers a tailor-made solution for each catalyst, with a range of metal recycling schemes perfectly adapted to your needs; maximizing recycling, and minimizing costs.
Eurecat India Catalyst Services Pvt Ltd is the first plant in India to provide the ex-situ regeneration of spent catalysts and associated services, such as hydrocarbons stripping, REACTTM / ENCORE, catalyst rejuvenation, as well as field services for Industrial Reactor Management.
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